Our Impact
The Morialta Charitable Trust was established in 1980 to manage the funds from the sale of the Morialta Children’s Homes. Our core values are embodied in all aspects of our governance, management and administration.
We deeply respect our responsibility to protect and grow these funds for the benefit of future generations of South Australian children and young people.
Integrity is enshrined in all we do, from prudent and ethical investment decisions through low cost business operations, to accountable grant making. Compassion, kindness and generosity are the thread that bind Morialta Charitable Trust’s Board, with each member volunteering their time and expertise to ensure sound governance, strategic vision and efficient business activity.
Each year Morialta Charitable Trust distributes approximately $500k per annum in grants to organisations seeking to bring sustainable change to the lives of children and young people.
In recent history (since 2010) The Morialta Charitable Trust has helped empower over 160 organisations by providing over 380 grants, totaling nearly $7 million, to support specific projects that help children and young people reach their full potential.